Is Cash On Delivery Better Than Online Payments.

Cash On Delivery Better Or Bad. How To Make Best Use Of It.

It is an interesting question, and the answer may vary based on the individual who has asks the question. For customer cash on delivery can undoubtedly be beneficial regarding getting a few more extra days to make the payment. For a merchant, this can be difficult and expensive as in many situations customers may feel free to immediately cancel the order despite the merchant proactively working on it. When a customer raises a cancellation of cash on delivery order, then the merchant is responsible for arranging the pickup of the product. In this case, the merchant is liable for spending on the courier and shipping charges. This is no business this is a pure loss for the company. Still, it is difficult for companies to avoid cash on delivery and that is why they can implement various factors that will help improve the success ratio of money on delivery transactions.

Voice Verification For Cash On Delivery.

By automatically calling the phone number of the customer immediately after the COD order is placed can help in authenticating original orders through IVR. You may ask the customer to give authorization by pressing any specific number on the touch-tone phone.

Sending Email SMS or WhatsApp Confirmation for cash on delivery.

By sending these kinds of notifications, you will ensure that the customer will be present at the time of delivery of the product. This will also ensure that the customer gets a psychological notification that he placed the order and he should be ready to make the payment.

If your business is looking forward to getting an International merchant account/ ACH/ Echeck payment gateways, then please contact us. We cannot help you with cash on delivery, but we can certainly help you in getting connected with international processors that may help you to accept cross border transactions.