Japan: an overview

Japan is a sovereign Island Nation located in the Pacific Ocean. Geographically, Japan is part of East Asia. Technologically, Japan is world’s most advanced Nation and politically, Japan is among the most influential world leaders. With a population of over 127 million, the GDP per capita in Japan is estimated around 41000 USD. Inside Japan is considered fourth largest nation by purchasing power parity (PPP). A nation with highly organized population and extreme technological advancement, has a huge potential for The E-Commerce segment. Online merchants can earn and prosper at a large scale in e-commerce domain in Japan. Quadrapay helps merchants in getting merchant account and payment gateway in Japan. www.quadrapay.com is one point solution for all kind of online business solutions related to merchant account, payment gateway, payment processing options and miscellaneous services.

Japan: E-commerce

Japan is world’s third largest e-commerce market and the growth rate has been over 8% for the past few years. The internet penetration is estimated at 91% of the total population of Japan, which exhibits great potential for online merchants. If we go by the figures, almost 70% of Japan’s population is involved in online shopping. As we have already mentioned the Japan is highly organized Nation with great infrastructure and high PPP, the market growth of e-commerce will soon be a spectacle to behold. merchants who wants to initiate a Startup in Japan’s e-commerce or existing online merchants in Japan looking forward to expand their business should try to get the best online business solutions to maximize their profits. Getting an appropriate merchant account for specific business model and a Global Payment Gateway in Japan is crucial for the merchants. Japanese merchants can avail services from domestic and offshore service providers both.

Japan: Merchant account and payment gateway

Industries are basically classified as low risk, mid risk and high risk industries. Especially for high risk Industries it is difficult to get a high risk merchant account from domestic banks and processes. Therefore, high risk merchants rely on offshore merchant account providers for relevant services. Quadrapay has an extensively rooted connection with major European Union based PSPs to help online merchants in Japan to manage and execute their online payment processing smoothly and security. The major Global Payment Gateway providers are also available with Quadrapay.

With proper documentation and a genuine business model, merchants in Japan can easily avail high risk merchant accounts and other kind of Merchant accounts for different payment processing options. Japanese merchants having client base in the United States of America can also avail Echeck and ACH Processing services from offshore service providers. Global Payment Gateway in Japan can also be readily available with features of readymade API integration, speedy and Secure Payments, and dashboard management.

Japan: Conclusion

With credit card payment option being the most popular payment method among Japanese online shoppers, other payment options are also getting popular by time. Moreover, for the merchants with client base in the USA, are establishing Echeck and ACH merchant accounts for the payment processing. The fast paced evolution of the country has boosted the online market and online shopping in Japan. Offshore merchant account providers and global payment gateway providers are providing quite lucrative offers to the online merchants in Japan. With travel and fashion being the most popular ecommerce trend in Japan, the abroad shopping segment still has a lot of potential to grow.

The experts from Quadrapay have custom tailored solutions for merchants having online business in Japan as well as Japanese merchants having foreign client base. Whether it be merchant account or payment gateway for low risk, mid risk and high risk business, or business funding, reseller program and services for online business, www.quadrapay.com is available to help the merchants in Japan and worldwide with best-in-class solutions. Merchants from Japan can also send us inquiry on [email protected] or call 24/7 customer care service on +1 6318321773.