Android Credit Card Processing

Android Credit Card Processing By QuadraPay

Last updated on March 23rd, 2025 at 09:28 pm

Now Android Credit Card Processing Helps To Get No.1 Sales!

Android Credit Card Processing Helps To Boost Sales!
As a small business owner, you might be working hard on to make your business success with a lot of profits. But to attract more new customers to your startup business and accept credit cards as a payment method, you need to accept credit card payments. Getting a credit card payment processing solution is easy, but it can get complicated for some business merchants that operate a business under the high-risk category. Android Credit Card Processing is the right solution that you must-have for your new business startup.
Getting a full-fledged payment processing system POS machine can be expensive for your initial business funding. In some cases, a physical POS system is also not that much required. For such type of business, they can take advantage of android credit card processing solutions to accept credit card or debit card payments. Quadrapay is one of the best card-processing solution providers, where we always try to provide you with the best feasible payment processing solution that meets most of your business requirements.

How To Accept Cards With Android Credit Card Processing?
In order to accept credit card with the help of android smartphone credit card solution, you need to contact a merchant service provider like Quadrapay. After approval and getting an android credit card processing solution from a processor, you are ready to accept payments from your business customers. To accept card payments, you need to connect the portable card reader to the android device. This can be either a wired (OTG) or wireless depending upon what type of card machine you have purchased. After successfully pairing up the machine with an android mobile device, you are ready to accept android credit card payments. Now whenever a customer provides a credit card for payment, you have to fill the amount and other billing details on the android application and then swipe the credit card with the card reader that is paired with the android device. Once the payment is successfully processed, a receipt is generated for the same.

What Are The Major Advantages Of Android Credit Card Processing?
An android credit card processing is the best suitable solution for a small business owner or a startup business owner. This android payment processing system allows you to save a lot of money in terms of purchasing a piece of equipment to process credit card transactions. This is useful, especially for those types of business that operates On the go services or have a lower number of credit card based payments can use an android credit processing solution for smooth and seamless payment settlement. Some of the significant benefits of android credit card processing are as follows:

The card reader supports magnetic swipe cards as well as chip credit cards.
It is a simple and smooth procedure to use a mobile credit card reader.
A user-friendly interface for easy and smooth operations.
Faster settlement of credit card payments
It is also easy to refund the payment if required through the historical transaction records.
The card reader supports both credit card and debit cards
Low rate processing charges
Easy to accept credit card payments through OTG (On The Go)
Low-cost card machine in comparison to traditional POS terminal machines
What Is The Procedure To Apply For Android Based Payment Processing Solution?
Applying for credit card payment processing solution with Quadrapay is straightforward. As a small business owner, you need needs to fill the merchant application with all the vital details about their business processing. Along with the merchant application form, it is required to submit KYC documents so that your application gets approved with a payment processor.

For more information on android credit card processing, you can mail us at [email protected].

The Truth About Android Phone Credit Card Processing
If you are that kind of business owner, who travels a lot around different places and desires to accept credit or debit card payments for their business directly from customers, we have a solution for you!Quadrapay provides the android phone credit card processing service, which let you use your smartphone device as an on the go card payment terminal. This gives you the ability to accept payments for your businesses from any part of the world.

How Does Android Phone Credit Card Processing Works?
To use a fast credit card processing android as a payment terminal to process debit card or credit card payments a portable card reader needs to be attached through your operating device which can be easily accessed through the mobile app. This small card reader is lower in size, yet a bang of bucks in terms of superior performance and durability. But if you are merchant who process a high amount of transactions, going for a third party credit card processing is more advisable to ensure a hassle-free experience while transacting.

Benefits Of Using Android Phone Credit Card Processing From Quadrapay
Some of the significant benefits of android phone payment processing are as follows:

Accept credit card payments On The Go
Easy to carry a mobile credit card reader.
Low transaction processing fees
Supports both credit card and debit card transactions
Highly secured processing apps that are designed to support both ios and android operating systems.
Easy to connect with your device, both wired and wireless methods.
It Supports magnetic swipe cards as well as EMV chip credit cards.
Low-cost reader device in comparison to traditional terminal machines
Easy to understand user-friendly interface
Quick processing of credit card payments
Track your inventory management through the records, so that you will never run out of the regular products.
Easy to refund a transaction through the online transaction records.
Are Transactions Through Android Phone Credit Card Processing Secure?
A thought of getting a fraud always comes in the mind when someone thinks about android credit card processing. But doing transactions through our portable credit card readers are safe and secure because there is no credit card details or other confidential information stored in the android devices. Quadrapay provides fully PCI compliant android payment processing options which ensures your customers to experience a safe and secure transaction with quick payments every time they transact.

If you want to know more about how to accept credit cards on your android phone, you can contact us at [email protected].

Android Merchant Account
The first step to enter the online market and starting your business is to create a merchant account. A merchant account isn’t same like a general account in every term. This can be termed as a technologically advanced version of a normal bank account. It allows businesses to accept payments through credit and debit cards. The first stop for payments made through credit cards are merchant accounts and after a defined period of 2-7 days the amount is transferred into business bank account. Credit history, business history, type of business and previous records play a vital role in order to open a merchant account with the bank. Moreover internet merchant accounts are specifically designed for online payment processing of credit cards. With the new developments in communication and technology industry, mobile has become the most versatile device performing numerous tasks, including ones related to e-commerce.

Google being the foremost player in mobile and internet technology provides a huge platform for online business around the globe. Right from a small mobile application to a dedicated service, everything available on android can be linked with a merchant account for online payments and sales purposes. The paid applications on android and in-apps purchases from Google play store are usually provided with a merchant account from the Google merchant center. One must have a google account to use these services related to merchant account for android.

Alternatively, you can also create your payments profile in google payments center and link it with your existing merchant account. The profile is automatically linked to the play console of the developers and they can manage app sales, sales reports, receive payments and manage the accounts.

There are certain prerequisites to link you merchant account to google merchant center for android. The developer merchant account should belong to the supported locations for developers and merchant registration as prescribed by Google merchant center. The number of countries supported for merchant registration on google for android is limited. After agreeing to the terms and conditions of google for android, developers can submit their product data and manage the online payments. The merchant center also provides extra facilities of troubleshooting and help to the merchants with online business transactions. For the listed countries, direct bank transactions with merchant accounts are permitted but with the countries that aren’t permitted to have merchant registration, developers can earn the revenue only through ads or third party services.

Another way out is to integrate the merchant account to the application you have developed and link it to the ‘buy now’ icon on your webpage. Once the customer clicks on the mentioned icon, the page is redirected to the payment gateway where the online payment can be made. Here again, the most important point to ponder is having the legal merchant account registered in a permitted country. While choosing the payment processor for the app sales, merchants must keep in consideration the quality of services provided, reliability and competitive fee structure of the processing company.

The final verdict on merchant account for android is divided further into two suggestions for the developers. First, to have a legal merchant account or google payments merchant account from the enlisted countries only. Second, to opt for the best-in-class payment processors that can handle the complete transactions and sales of their apps and products online. A wisely planned action will for sure result in the profit of developers/ merchants.